i need carnal attention. my libido is about to get me into serious trouble if something dosen't happen soon. i feel like i've drugged. every ass induces a smile Smug!
i was just looking at all my fav's and realized it's the eyes that got me going!!!
Well, i'm off to see Saul Williams. Talk later........
March 29th 05..............So went to see saul, I'm a day early. the show is tonight. I'm fighting a heavy bout of depression that just came out of nowhere. I guess it's cuz i just realized how broke i am. i need a new job. i'm bout to murder every patron walking into my club. Got to get to paris next month. So i gotta save every penny to make it happen.

i was just looking at all my fav's and realized it's the eyes that got me going!!!
Well, i'm off to see Saul Williams. Talk later........

March 29th 05..............So went to see saul, I'm a day early. the show is tonight. I'm fighting a heavy bout of depression that just came out of nowhere. I guess it's cuz i just realized how broke i am. i need a new job. i'm bout to murder every patron walking into my club. Got to get to paris next month. So i gotta save every penny to make it happen.

mmm your cute! and you like blunts.... hell yeah!