Look! i know some of yall are staright rock n roll heads, Headbanging nine inch nails in your culo type ac/dc loud andrew wk beer swilling thug mullet type mufuhs. Yall need to get up on this one album though. The grind date by De La Soul. man its so refreshing. You need this shit like condoms. you need it like air. feel good Shower music. Its laxitive music. it lets the bullshit go. I might be biased i been a fan since day one. But I'm the exact same age as hiphop i've seen the changes and i'm not happy. But this shit is so true school Its crazy!!! you need this.
may the plugs live forever!!!!
may the plugs live forever!!!!
Good music though.
have you heard the new lyrics born? i can`t get 'calling out' out of my fucking head. it`s keeeeelling me...... but in a good, sexy way.
also, i`m going to see lyrics born and joyo, along with a quannum dj......... TONIGHT!!!!! i`m so fucking excited it hurts. it`s making me want to touch myself, so i`m gonna go do that!