Just got back from the big apple! best trip i've taken in some time. Stayed in manhattan at the roger williams, Swank hotel on 31st and madison. MetMoby walking down 5th street. Met adrock from the Beasties walking down houston st. Went to Brooklyn got some shoe. I also visited the college i should have graduated from. (pratt) Ate mad food plenty Greek and asain cuisine. My waiter told me that in Greece they eat two things with thier hands, fish and Women. went and saw Paul mooney. If you don't know paul Mooney, he is negrodamus for Dave chappelle. That nigga is funny. Went to a party for this mag called Frank 151. Pretty hot. Then i hung out with my boy Kev. this cat made realize I need more dough. Anytime a childhood friend buys a ferrari, You realize you need more dough. Anyway I'm back. just gettin re adjusted. Still thinking about Day's assshot (hot!)

so whatcha got lined up for the weekend? parties? workin'? whatever it is i hope you have a gr8 time!
....i just sat chillin' and listenin' to that jamie cullum cd this morning...good stuff...perfect way to ease into a saturday morning....now i'm groovin' to my boys "hepcat"...great for a lazy afternoon and a little dancin' around the apartment....can't get motivated to do ANYTHING today...maybe it's time to veg out and just cruise...take care of yourself, hon!