So, on a crazy note, I had Chat sex for the first time with a long distance friend last night. I had never done this thing before. It was so unexpected. We emailed each other pictures while typing naughty things and totally got each other off.
The music has been good lately. I feel a lot more accomplished than I did a few days ago. Those of you who responded to past blogs, Thank You all.
Today is a pretty chill day. gonna catch up on some Battlestar Galactica episodes, smoke some kill, help a friend install some lights on her deck and deejay tonight at Les Enfant Terribles on the LES.
Hope all is well in your worlds.

I'm 5 degrees away from the world!

The music has been good lately. I feel a lot more accomplished than I did a few days ago. Those of you who responded to past blogs, Thank You all.
Today is a pretty chill day. gonna catch up on some Battlestar Galactica episodes, smoke some kill, help a friend install some lights on her deck and deejay tonight at Les Enfant Terribles on the LES.
Hope all is well in your worlds.

I'm 5 degrees away from the world!
I'm glad your doing better and things are looking up for you.
When I get some more moneu (hopefully next week) I am gonna take your advice about paying someone to clean real good.