Yes,Wednesday evening around 10:30-11:00..i like it late less people and the more time he can spend on me!
Im getting my other skull and crossbones on the other side and "Divide et impera"..done all well below the navel soo...the shy are not welcome!
But if you come please be respectful to the staff and me.
plus if your thinkin about a new Tat..make this on opertunity!!
Truly they all rock..from the lovely Heather to the excelent Mr.Wade....Thanks!
Can anyone tell me what the latin means??

Last time i wore ripped up jeans, the fishnets and crazy stillettos..any ideas on what to wear this time?
Im taking suggestions..

See ya'll there!!
Oh cawk. I just read what I wrote. That bit about "Unless it was perceived unduly" makes no sense whatsoever... Giving up now.
*Sigh*...this world is such a sad stange place...