So it is new blog time I have not written a blog in some time now I have been busy obceseing over learing new circus skills and getting fit and in shape so I can try out for The National Institute Of Circus Arts next year or maybe the year after depending on how long it takes me to get my skill levels up.
They want alot from you just to try out but I guess they have to know that you can develp skills. Here are a list of things I have to learn to do and remember I am totally unfit at the moment any tips are welcome or if anyone knows of anywhere I can get hlep from (cheaply) let me know.
*Roundoff backflip This one freaks me out I have no idea how to even start trying will have to find someone to teach me I thinks.
* Handstand for 20seconds and or handstand push up. I am getting there with the handstand just time for this one not sure about the pushup though.
*15 pushups 45situps and 15chinups. The chinups are a bit of a worry but I have the others under wraps allready anyone know any exercises that will build srength for chinups?
* Three way splits. Ok so I am not there yet but it is looking achieveable, just stretching every day.
*juggling four or more balls. Ok so I have never juggled in my life and thought It was impossible but I started the other day and I am getting it I can juggle 3 balls for up to 13 catches and I learnt that in 3 days so I will get there I think
So here are some skills I already have Or am working on That will help.
*I can ride a unicycle but I need to learn to get on without holding onto anything and learn to go backwards.
*I have done one term of aerials and I plan on going to two aerial casses a week next year I can climb pretty well and I have a bit of uper body strenght so that helps.
* I am starting to get a bit of hule hooping going not to bad just simple stuff but I am getting there.
That is all wish me luck I have already hurt my back going phyco on the unicycle so I guess I had better tone down a bit.
They want alot from you just to try out but I guess they have to know that you can develp skills. Here are a list of things I have to learn to do and remember I am totally unfit at the moment any tips are welcome or if anyone knows of anywhere I can get hlep from (cheaply) let me know.
*Roundoff backflip This one freaks me out I have no idea how to even start trying will have to find someone to teach me I thinks.
* Handstand for 20seconds and or handstand push up. I am getting there with the handstand just time for this one not sure about the pushup though.
*15 pushups 45situps and 15chinups. The chinups are a bit of a worry but I have the others under wraps allready anyone know any exercises that will build srength for chinups?
* Three way splits. Ok so I am not there yet but it is looking achieveable, just stretching every day.
*juggling four or more balls. Ok so I have never juggled in my life and thought It was impossible but I started the other day and I am getting it I can juggle 3 balls for up to 13 catches and I learnt that in 3 days so I will get there I think
So here are some skills I already have Or am working on That will help.
*I can ride a unicycle but I need to learn to get on without holding onto anything and learn to go backwards.
*I have done one term of aerials and I plan on going to two aerial casses a week next year I can climb pretty well and I have a bit of uper body strenght so that helps.
* I am starting to get a bit of hule hooping going not to bad just simple stuff but I am getting there.
That is all wish me luck I have already hurt my back going phyco on the unicycle so I guess I had better tone down a bit.
Do well & have fun!
I don't think many people realize just what kind of athletes most circus performers are....they make it look easy, but are in tremendous physical in the states we revere our clowns so much we elect them! can't wait for some sexy acrobatic photos, be safe Peace Bill