I want to shoot another set soon I have so many Idea's but I am still unsure what I want to do I like my two other sets and they do show part of who I am but I would really like the next one to get across more of my personallity but there is just so many fucking things that I am into that it is hard to choose which side to show without pigeon holeing myself. The only thing I can really say that I deffinatly am is an angry little sarcastic red head that can't spell and likes a good laugh and that doesn't translate well into photo's. I am always into trying out new toys (no not the kind your dirty fuckin slut of a mum is into) but my lowrider bike, unicycle, flowboard and long board I think I would like to in corporate that into it some how maybe it is time to let the angry punk skater side shine through may last two set are a bit on the pretty side and I can't have people thinking that I am all sunshine and lollipops cause it is just not so. we will see I guess.

Thanks for commenting on my set! 

Ok I'm bored again....when do you have time to do a set.....shoot or pose either one I just wanna get something new and pretty up here to look at!