So I haven't been very active the last few months, bad me, I know! Trust me I've been lurking on here just ogling sets and commenting but haven't been so well behaved when it came to keeping up with blogs and posts.
I have a very good explanation for this even though I shouldn't be making excuses for myself I have been battling the should I, shouldn't I scenario as whether to tell everyone or not. I have obviously opted for the keeping my followers informed option as you can see by my blog and my reason for this that besides for followers who are obviously here to see boobies and the naked awesomeness that is Suicide Girls, there really are a lot of community members I feel show a real interest in other areas of our lives besides for the nudes and a lot of the girls I consider to be friends.
I have been silent on blogs and posts lately due to the fact that I'm pregnant, almost 32 weeks already... I wasn't sure how my body was going to react to pregnancy or whether I would still want to continue with Suicide Girls afterwards, however I have realised that besides for all those decisions I felt I had to make, I do plan on being part of Suicide Girls and would still like to do sets and be part of the community afterwards. That's to say if people would still be interested in seeing my "mom butt"? catch up on some homework along with my update, I just chose a few I thought might be interesting...
@missy @rambo
Topic 1: What are you afraid of?
Well, this is quite a hard one for me, I am afraid of almost everything. Maybe its my parents who were a little overprotective when I was younger or the fact that I can be self deprecating at times and don't believe I deserve certain things but here is a list of a few of the things I am afraid of that I randomly chose: -
1. Recently one I have to add to my already quite large list is Childbirth, I mean what women who hasn't been through it wouldn't be experiencing some sort of anxiety or fear? I am of both natural childbirth as well as a caesarean, and both equally so being a few weeks away from my due date has got me in constant on and off panic attack when I'm sitting alone in my office at home with too much time to think.
2. Being disliked by people is also one of my fears. I know its silly and even though I am well aware that I cannot go through life being loved by all, I just really want everyone to like me. I am a horrible friend though which is something I don't take pride in admitting. I don't phone everyday, I don't even think about people who I consider friends all too often which is a horrible personality trait... so I guess I will have to get over this fear eventually.
3. Death. I'm sure a lot of people have this fear and it is something that's unavoidable which is what makes it more frightening to me. There are times where this fear gets in the way of making decisions and life choices so it's something I need to work on.
4. Losing the person most important to me. This will very shortly be becoming two important people... my SO and I met when I was 15 and have been inseparable since. We are best friends, we can be enemies at times but we have an amazing respect for one another. I couldn't imagine my life going down any other path but one that has him in it.
5. Then some maybe less depressing fears are: - spiders, cinemas (I wont explain this because I know its irrational) and driving.
Topic 2: What would you like to accomplish in the next year?
So glad that they will be doing a follow up blog in 2016 so we can see how much of what we want to accomplish we have. Lets see how well I do at following my dreams this coming year then shall we....
1. I would like to start doing my art again.
2. Start making my own income instead of just relying on being an employee the rest of my life. I have a day job, which is great because I can budget, I know my income, I know my expenses every month and I survive which is a lot more than other people have but I would also like to start bringing in my own income just in case life throws me a curve ball (this has happened before and being unemployed for almost a year was horrible).
3. Do more SG sets...obviously after the baby and I've worked a bit on my new mom butt hahaha and obviously getting a set on FP!
4. Learn to drive and get my license. (this is also a fear so maybe doing this will help me too)
5. Stay smoke free. I stopped when I found out I was pregnant and even though I still think about it daily and I still get cravings, I am proud of myself for doing it but it still feels like I cant call myself a non-smoker.
I don't have unreachable aspirations and goals but I do tend to procrastinate and because of some of my fears I sometimes don't pursue opportunities to achieve them because I'm afraid I will be too disappointed if it doesn't materialise so lets see how this pans out haha
Topic 3: What are your favourite lines from movies?
@jimmytwee and I were actually laughing about this last night
1. Hey! Tell it to the one-legged man, so he can bump it off down the road.
2. I'm a peacock you gotta let me fly!
3. Life is a marathon and you cannot win a marathon without putting a few band aids on your nipples!
4. If i'm not back in 5 minutes...just wait longer.
5. I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking.
So enough of the homework for this week, will try and catch up on a few of the other topics in my next blog.
Was also very proud to see all the lovely sets coming out of the local ladies during the last few months. @janinekittyb done an awesome job on my set that is still in member review...
@Shev also had her debut set come out recently of @Lunar...eep!
Some of the local ladies also done sets with @puffin while she was down here in South Africa...
Here is one with @pixel that just went into Member Review...
Here are some pics to prove I have been growing a tiny human...
I'm sure even my nose has become wider since hitting the 3rd trimester :/I've been trying to stay active, so I go for walks every day and then try and add in some light toning, I feel HUGE and tights are all I can get into the last few week hahaha
Excuse the unmade bed but as you can see, there is a cat busy I didn't have the heart to throw him off just to tidy the bedroom.
And then some humour, this is just to some up how I've been feeling...
Then to end off my blog, I had to change my Instagram because my fat fingers decided when asked, not be able to select the tiny "X" when it wanted to connect to my personal Facebook account. So I am still keeping that account however I've started one that will just be for Suicide Girls...please follow me, promise there will be more posts soon @amikahopeful
Hope everyone has a kickass day! Here is an old selfie because I'm still in my PJ's while doing this blog:)