Its feels sooo long since I done a proper proper blog on SG! It probably has been but as you can see by my blog title...there was a reason:) I don't think its going to calm down much because @jimmytwee has quite the obsession with music...not that i'm complaining;) He is always the trusty photographer in the group so we can have some evidence of attending!
Since my last "festival blog" we've attended Oppikoppi (btw I know I promised video footage of the event...but It seems I forgot how the beer flows in the "bosveld" I'm quite happy I didn't get as far with my video documenting as promised), we've also attended a few day festivals in Jo'burg and a number of concerts...busy busy busy..and so poor poor poor now!
I'll start with OppiKoppi...I wish I could explain it in one simple sentence without scaring the shit of potential friends contemplating going with us one year, but unfortunately I don't think it does Oppikoppi justice trying to explain must be experienced; and what an experience it is; but I'll try my best:)
@jimmytwee and I arrived alone...with no entourage the first day the festival started, we usually like going a day early so we can get the "silly" out of us around a campfire with blaring music playing from his car and making random friends and sharing shots with our fellow campers so the next few evenings we can concentrate more on the festival entertainment, however this year we weren't lucky enough to be able to get enough time off work...but because all the friends ladies are petrified of festivals after all my story telling hoping to get them excited; achieving the opposite; I have never had any female company at a festival (except for the one year when one did come with and slept the whole time and refused to watch any shows) @jimmytwee and I are lucky enough to share the same interests. So the photo evidence starts...
One of the many reasons I absolutely love festivals, are the people. You cannot have an epic festival without interesting people, right?
The way they dress... and I've never met someone at a festival who isn't friendly...everyone is so damn friendly!
I also cannot resist a good photo bomb...luckily I mostly done it to my brother-in-law and his girlfriend (I think she only agreed to come along because I lied and said the women out-number the men 10 to 1)
And then the morning photos...before you've attempted to clean all the dust off and brush your hair. I would be really bad if i lied and only posted picture of myself looking refreshed not not hung over.
It is freezing at night but nothing that standing in a crowd full of excited music lovers cannot fix...
And yes...we did have coffee before we had a drink...
I also got to see The Fray in September... so grateful I was able to convince @jimmytwee to come with. I don't think he liked it too much but even though we both enjoy music we aren't always equally as excited about bands.
For his birthday I took him to watch one his favourite local bands Fokofpolisiekar...
And as another gift we went to a day festival called I heart Jo'burg...that was quite an experience...not all great, I drank way too much beer, there was way too much "booty" music for my personal taste...but in the end going to any concert is an interesting experience...
The last concert we attended was in Jo'burg too and it was In the absolute favourite act Crystal Fighters and PHFat. I spotted the lovely @lunar there too...but was too shy to go and say Hi (i'm lame I know!) :(
Our next show we are attending is one we have been waiting for years to come to South Africa...friggin Foo Fighters!!! Cannot wait!!
And then some randomness because I have the cutest furbabies!!!
Hope all you lovely people on SG have a kickass week... the holidays aren't too far:)