wow i cant believe how hartless my mom was tonight. so ive been having a bad week at work and today when i came home i felt like shit cause im getting sick. well me and my mom were sitting in her room watching tv. ( side note its freezing in my house so i dont like getting out from under the blinkets) well i mentioned that some hot soup would be really nice. well she tells me to get off my ass and go make some. well i dont cause im fucking freezing and dont feel well at all. long story short when she finally decides to be nice and make me some thing to eat she makes pop corn. witch i cant eat cause my throat hurts. and the only reason she got up to even make it was cause she happen to need to go to the bathroom. and when i coment about not being able to eat the pop corn she says she didnt make the soup cause she didnt know what kind i wanted cause im to picky. so she ends up making me feel gullty for the whole thing.
Hang in there!