So this is my last few months here, and not like anyone reads this shit, but c'mon it's getting redundant. Over 10,000 suicide girls all in the same pose with the same tattoos. No progression has been made and submitting to the gub'ments' standard have helped make this place the Playboy of internet nekkidness. Seriously, though this place was cool for a bit. I enjoyed...
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Man this place is becomming redundant. It's getting to be the Playboy of internet nekkidness. Bring back tha flava!
So there's this Halloween party that is in it's third year. Each year, Silver Bridge Disaster would play, and the same is true for this year.
Saturday, Rocktober 29, @ 4040 Clifton Ave., Clifton, Ohio.
Come dressed as your favorite Tella Tubby, or some shit.
Beer, Liquor, Rock, Roll, Costumes
Saturday, Rocktober 29, @ 4040 Clifton Ave., Clifton, Ohio.
Come dressed as your favorite Tella Tubby, or some shit.
Beer, Liquor, Rock, Roll, Costumes
I know I never update, and I don't have any friends. But I'm okay with that...
i will definitely try to make it out there. if i do, say HI!
might not be able to make it to the show, i am going to try, but my broke-ass doesnt have any $$$ to go out this weekend. if i dont catch the show this time, there will be others.
Sounds fabulous.
What bands are you in and what kind of music do they play?
...with the way things are going, I take back all I said about being able to laugh off anything that goes to shit. I still can, you see, its just that my mind constantly works against me. Truth be told; I'm tired of fighting.
...fuck it
...and so this fickle evening fades, leaving little to wonder and much to projected dispair. They expect you to fall, they expect it to hurt, to scar, to stay with you. Fuck convention and conventional attitudes. Leave everything to chance, it changes its mind more than you.
Its amazing how in an instant, and then you realize, your life... it all changes. Open arms to change and minds filled with hope. Dreams of days are your reality. From the trees to the grass you'll fall on once again, but it will all be worth it.
...all I can say is what the fuck. Seriously are we wasting our time, having a good time. The idea escapes me. Completely.
preachin' to the choir.