Girl entered into my life blog?!? :
Met a girl at the coffee shop and at first she seemed to show interest in talking and getting to know each other but than it became obvious that all she's interested in is using me for sex and attention,turns out she's not at all interested in me as a person.....I know I know....I should be thrilled....she's hot looking and has big boobs,thick lips and one fine booty and smells oh so sweet so any man would go for that but I just had to say no.
I can't bring myself to be in such a one sided relationship where I'd of been used like that.....I just wish I could be with someone that's interested in sharing interestes with me instead of trying to make me into toy that acts as an attention crutch.
I'd like to think there's more to a relationship than that,true if I was in a mutually appreciative relationship than it would be way sweet to have lots of amazing sex and I know I've been single for a long time now and am very horny with a sex drive through the roof but I just can't allow myself to be degraded like if my interests and oppinions don't matter.
She told me that lots of guys would love to be with her but I told her that I believe that but they're not as good as me because they're just a walking dick with no brain and that I'm sure she can meet with some other man that has no spine but I'm not that man,that I'm just as sure that somewhere some girl will appriciate me for who I am just as I'll appreciate her and that I'd rather wait for that girl for both good and bad because that's who will share in the journey of life with me and only than will it be true love.......yes I said all that,I am so damn corny

All she seems to want is to use me for sex and as dirty of a mind as I can have when attracted I said no,it just wasn't right.
She invited me to her place to say sorry to me and like a fool I went and she again tried to seduce me but I said "I'm sorry but I'm just not interested as I said before as I just don't think you share respect for me as a man,as a person" and so I left.
Is there something wrong with me??
The above lack of relationship stuff led to me watching a Frasier marathon on TV from 8pm to 4am and feeling alone at home.I did do some stuff around the house so it's not as if all I did was sit there.
I'll be ok but still ...*huffff*...........
Original blog :
I like the end of the video XDHAHAHAHAHA....*wiggle~wiggle~wiggle* XDHAHAHA......the look on his face XD...
Had a tough day today...and yesterday....and for well for awhile now
