:Italiano-English per domenica (for sunday)...
L'errore di traduzione un errore tecnico dalle lettere strane
Mi sono svegliato e ho preso sul computer poich faccio per prendere il mio cervello per essere pi assertivo e vedo di nuovo che il tempo sul computer non il corect
...this succede ma sono confuso perch ho cambiato il computer di tempo.il lavora buono con tutto il resto.
I awoke and got on the computer as I do to get my brain to be more assertive and I see again the time on the computer is not corect
...this happenes but I am confused because I changed the time.The computer works good with all else.
Fare molta arte oggi e tutta la settimana (la vernice di olio).
Making much art today and all week (oil paint).
Went and got some art supplies ( 23 "Windsor & Newton : Winton Oil Colors" oil paints,a new assortment of brushes and odds and ends of paint tools,Soap made for removing paint and dye from the hands
,sponges,painter's palette,two wood backed large (Grande
) canvas and paint thinner) so I'll be up all night painting the loneliness away
Of coarse I care less for Halloween,it was made to scare off evil
.What did evil ever do to you
hmph.Bunch of meanies
WOW look at her go!!...

I'm a fan of Viking's sets as she tends to be creative with 'em.
Working on a load of new art and am happy that I found a good place for making some stuff by my design to sell that there will eventually be pictures of on here (both the art and later at some time the stuff for sale made my me).In fact yes even some music as next week I'll be over at a friends house recording some new stuff + another friend whom is a writer has mentioned he'd like to write something for the album so I'll work that in somehow also.
For whom ever may wonder : I get my camera back very early next week.
I have SOOOOOO many ideas for the new art
.I think it was good for me to have taken that break to feel fresh again.Some of the art is inspired by things said or something a person has done in their life and talked of in their blog that's by friends on here so thanks for that inspiration
I seriously wish I had a yummy gf to go on the Ferris wheel with
I know that's a lame dream of me to have but it's better than the other dream I had last night after eating a pineapple pizza
I dreamed I was being chased by zombie Bill Cosby whom kept offering me a gelatin pudding pop

L'errore di traduzione un errore tecnico dalle lettere strane

Mi sono svegliato e ho preso sul computer poich faccio per prendere il mio cervello per essere pi assertivo e vedo di nuovo che il tempo sul computer non il corect

I awoke and got on the computer as I do to get my brain to be more assertive and I see again the time on the computer is not corect

Fare molta arte oggi e tutta la settimana (la vernice di olio).
Making much art today and all week (oil paint).
Went and got some art supplies ( 23 "Windsor & Newton : Winton Oil Colors" oil paints,a new assortment of brushes and odds and ends of paint tools,Soap made for removing paint and dye from the hands

Of coarse I care less for Halloween,it was made to scare off evil

I'm a fan of Viking's sets as she tends to be creative with 'em.
Working on a load of new art and am happy that I found a good place for making some stuff by my design to sell that there will eventually be pictures of on here (both the art and later at some time the stuff for sale made my me).In fact yes even some music as next week I'll be over at a friends house recording some new stuff + another friend whom is a writer has mentioned he'd like to write something for the album so I'll work that in somehow also.
For whom ever may wonder : I get my camera back very early next week.
I have SOOOOOO many ideas for the new art

I seriously wish I had a yummy gf to go on the Ferris wheel with

thanks dude lol i know right modern medicines pretty nuts. In like 50 years maybe we'll be having like, half human half robot babies.
Don't worry, I'm just taking a little vacation. I'll be back to my old Mario ways soon enough.