there will always be rude people out there with some BS to say out of jealousy or pure evilness (I go more so the honest and evil rought
haha) but I'm not so bad really....I do help people in need when I can is that such a bad thing?!?
Screw solar power,wind power,electric (radiation waste) power when fuel costs half the price as it did when that tool Bush was in office,THANK YOU Obama for allowing me to continue to use as much fuel as I want!!FUCK YOU mother nature.No one cares about the environment when there are no consequences and not such a high price to be paid for greed and the things that pollute the earth.Why would a self titled health nut (Obama,the man I voted for
!!) be for smoking weed when it can not be taxed and Obama does not like smoking as majority of Democrats are against public smoking as you American's know Clinton is the one whom put the no smoking in public places near food law in effect that lead to having many places impose designated public smoking areas.I love that law since I hate the smell of cheap cigarettes as that's all most of you can afford or prefer it seems instead of those sweet cigars like Clinton and I enjoy so much,FUCK you hippies.I don't need weed when there are prescription pain pills,booze and cigars to be had
hahaha.I can say all that openly because the world LOVES the Democrats and we are in power now and no one can do shit to stop us.
Hope to get back to where you started from and failed to break away from as in being a tool to fuel my business !!BACK TO WORK PUPPET!!You now know there is NO going back and you are too pathetic to break free of my wrath as I suffocate you like a pillow over the face of the world.HAHAHAHA I will always be there even when you think I am weak I am actually just waiting for you to push that button to put me back in control of your pathetic life as I know you will come crawling back as you NEED work and structure to your life as you can not fight for your own damn self as that is what a good tool is...dependant upon a big government that I provide for you or better I should say we provide for you and you impose upon your self with your weak pathetic self imprisonment need for survival structure...but it's not so bad as after all we all get money and work even if there are rules to follow at many businesses such as wearing a uniform and no tattoos,piercing's or strange hair and no facial hair or maybe allowed some facial hair and so there are some things that are needed to make your money but work is work and not meant to be fun after all and there are some other places to work where you can do what you want so are things really as bad as the hell I mentioned?!?I don't think so but than I am on top where I belong .
You do have freedom of speech to complain (not that any one is listening hahaha).
I dare you to even think of fighting back as your jobs are on the line as you know the other way will lead to job outsourcing and high fuel cost.It is nice to play with you and allow you to think you're free with the Republic but in truth you're just doing the dirty work of the Democrats and congress by fighting our wars that we wash our hands of and you get the blame for as we know you can only go so far until you come crawling back in need of our big government to make you feel safe and secure and content again in life.
I get stronger every day and I LOVE this power!!
I do some good as I mentiond I make you safe and secure as after all where there is evil there is also good (Ying and Yang or "attack,re-load" depending on your personal view
Fighting an uphill battle alone sure isn't easy so really be weak and bow down and OBEY because it's really too much work to stand up and you will be taken care of with me just enough to remain content with me as my tool any way,isn't that better than fighting for freedom and finding no support to aid you so you starve??Who cares about the pore and people in need over seas,let them die as is natures way.
Republican fighting of the corporate machine...HAHAHA more like natures way of thinning out the human herd
.ALL whom oppose this new administration will die by starvation and be viewed as a foolish outcast socially.
Toodles for now
Until than have fun and do suck to me...suck me suck meee...mmmmm oh yes you can....mmmm...
"My door is always open but if you have an opinion that is going to derail this plan you will be ignored"~Obama said that (in other words "my way or the highway") and I feel the same way.Death to open minds and open conversation,POWER to coaxing people into popular trends that promote Capital enslavement building up a structured plan.ALL will join America in time and look to America as the leader of the world as already Capitalism takes hold even over seas as it is human nature to have greed and a lust to be cared for as a baby,I know I enjoy it !!

Screw solar power,wind power,electric (radiation waste) power when fuel costs half the price as it did when that tool Bush was in office,THANK YOU Obama for allowing me to continue to use as much fuel as I want!!FUCK YOU mother nature.No one cares about the environment when there are no consequences and not such a high price to be paid for greed and the things that pollute the earth.Why would a self titled health nut (Obama,the man I voted for

Hope to get back to where you started from and failed to break away from as in being a tool to fuel my business !!BACK TO WORK PUPPET!!You now know there is NO going back and you are too pathetic to break free of my wrath as I suffocate you like a pillow over the face of the world.HAHAHAHA I will always be there even when you think I am weak I am actually just waiting for you to push that button to put me back in control of your pathetic life as I know you will come crawling back as you NEED work and structure to your life as you can not fight for your own damn self as that is what a good tool is...dependant upon a big government that I provide for you or better I should say we provide for you and you impose upon your self with your weak pathetic self imprisonment need for survival structure...but it's not so bad as after all we all get money and work even if there are rules to follow at many businesses such as wearing a uniform and no tattoos,piercing's or strange hair and no facial hair or maybe allowed some facial hair and so there are some things that are needed to make your money but work is work and not meant to be fun after all and there are some other places to work where you can do what you want so are things really as bad as the hell I mentioned?!?I don't think so but than I am on top where I belong .
You do have freedom of speech to complain (not that any one is listening hahaha).
I dare you to even think of fighting back as your jobs are on the line as you know the other way will lead to job outsourcing and high fuel cost.It is nice to play with you and allow you to think you're free with the Republic but in truth you're just doing the dirty work of the Democrats and congress by fighting our wars that we wash our hands of and you get the blame for as we know you can only go so far until you come crawling back in need of our big government to make you feel safe and secure and content again in life.
I get stronger every day and I LOVE this power!!
I do some good as I mentiond I make you safe and secure as after all where there is evil there is also good (Ying and Yang or "attack,re-load" depending on your personal view

Fighting an uphill battle alone sure isn't easy so really be weak and bow down and OBEY because it's really too much work to stand up and you will be taken care of with me just enough to remain content with me as my tool any way,isn't that better than fighting for freedom and finding no support to aid you so you starve??Who cares about the pore and people in need over seas,let them die as is natures way.
Republican fighting of the corporate machine...HAHAHA more like natures way of thinning out the human herd

Toodles for now

Until than have fun and do suck to me...suck me suck meee...mmmmm oh yes you can....mmmm...
"My door is always open but if you have an opinion that is going to derail this plan you will be ignored"~Obama said that (in other words "my way or the highway") and I feel the same way.Death to open minds and open conversation,POWER to coaxing people into popular trends that promote Capital enslavement building up a structured plan.ALL will join America in time and look to America as the leader of the world as already Capitalism takes hold even over seas as it is human nature to have greed and a lust to be cared for as a baby,I know I enjoy it !!
I really enjoy becoming stronger than you,feeding off American taxes (THAT WILL BE CHANGED AS BUSH's TAX PLAN ENDS BY NEXT YEAR ALLOWING A NEW TAX PLAN TO BE PUT INTO PLACE AND THANK GOD AS PORE PEOPLE THAT BREED CRIME AND DRUG USE WILL BE FINANCIALLY FORCED TO LEAVE THE CITY I LIVE IN OR STARVE TO DEATH AND BE SWEPT UNDER THE RUG METAPHORICALLY SPEAKING...and sure some good and hard working low income people will also be swept away just as the Republic left people to starve,any thing to entice people to serving the Democrats that impose taxation that fuels congress and government workers but that's not so bad is it?!?) and over seas pretending there is no tax by including the tax amount in with the total cost of goods and services so that you do not even think there is wrong being done and do not ever see that you can change that corruption.Thank you for staying brainwashed and subdued like a donkey that does the work for me.