thats one of the more recient pics of me from like Tuesday I think.. ya it was Tuesday.. i need your opinions.. should i make that my new main pic? seriously let me know
anywho.. i can tell schools almost over because teachers are starting to emphesize doing the course papers which sucks major asshole.. i just spent two hours in the library going through over 125 years of these periodical's on new jersey history to find a topic to write my paper for my NJ history class.. gay..
I picked my schedule for the fall and it is looking prety good.. im taking a prety layed back semister of a few more History classes, a music class and a philosophy class.. shouldnt be too bad..
The bands going prety well.. were in the process of writing a third song.. i forgot the title but its got more of a thrash sound.. fast paced riffs as well as a nice and heavy breakdown.. I want to do a cover song so I talked to the guys and I thought a good song for us to cover would be "This Love" by Pantera since we all love Pantera and its a song we all prety much know how to play.. were going to work on it more on Saturday night.. that and the new song.. were getting closer to be ready to record our demo.. my guess is probably another three weeks if everything goes well.. we want to look towards putting 5 songs on it so.. the way we've been progressing it seems three weeks is a good guess.. may take a little longer but since we decided to going to a second practice each week (bringing it up to 5 hours a week) looks like 3 weeks in my eyes..
thats about it for now.. ill try to update more often.. now off to go check out whats going on in everyone elses lives in your journals..
wait... didn't you tell me there were goats in new jersey?
or were those sheep? ha ha...
you bust me up nigg.