since a few of you saw my update last night and i left no details of what was wrong.. here they are..
i met a girl reciently who turned my life around.. shes like everything to me.. its like the love at first sight kinda thing.. i mean shes absolutly everything i could have ever wanted.. and yesterday she was taken from me and the guy who caused all the problems needs 2 fucken die..
so heres what happened if anyone cares.. me and jackie (thats her name) got in a SMALL fight the other night.. it was more like disagreements.. over small things which we resolved.. her car was at my house w/ the keys locked in so i had 2 take her home at 3am.. so when i got home i called her 2 let her know i was in safe cuz it was snowing on my way home.. and she said she was going 2 bed which she didnt.. she called her best friend, and now i found out hes an x of hers too.. and she told him what happened cuz she was confused and he went off on me.. totally exagerating everything like saying i kicked her out of my house.. well i've got news for him.. if i did.. how could i have taken her home? either way.. he talked 2 jackies mom and he gave her a bullshit story and her mother hates me to DEATH now.. she told jackie she has no choice.. she couldnt ever see me again and she wanted her 2 leave me.. i mean how could you do that to someone when you dont know the full story? or you only hear one side which wasnt true.. i mean omfg..
this guy stole the only thing that made me feel sane anymore.. i have nothing anymore.. i've had a lotta bad shit happen to me in the past month and i finally found something to make everything right again in my life and it was stolen from me
so if anyone actually read the short version of the story.. please leave me a comment 2 help cheer me up cuz i REALLY need it right now
i met a girl reciently who turned my life around.. shes like everything to me.. its like the love at first sight kinda thing.. i mean shes absolutly everything i could have ever wanted.. and yesterday she was taken from me and the guy who caused all the problems needs 2 fucken die..
so heres what happened if anyone cares.. me and jackie (thats her name) got in a SMALL fight the other night.. it was more like disagreements.. over small things which we resolved.. her car was at my house w/ the keys locked in so i had 2 take her home at 3am.. so when i got home i called her 2 let her know i was in safe cuz it was snowing on my way home.. and she said she was going 2 bed which she didnt.. she called her best friend, and now i found out hes an x of hers too.. and she told him what happened cuz she was confused and he went off on me.. totally exagerating everything like saying i kicked her out of my house.. well i've got news for him.. if i did.. how could i have taken her home? either way.. he talked 2 jackies mom and he gave her a bullshit story and her mother hates me to DEATH now.. she told jackie she has no choice.. she couldnt ever see me again and she wanted her 2 leave me.. i mean how could you do that to someone when you dont know the full story? or you only hear one side which wasnt true.. i mean omfg..
this guy stole the only thing that made me feel sane anymore.. i have nothing anymore.. i've had a lotta bad shit happen to me in the past month and i finally found something to make everything right again in my life and it was stolen from me

so if anyone actually read the short version of the story.. please leave me a comment 2 help cheer me up cuz i REALLY need it right now

perhaps you should do what the monkeys do, and just hang around for a bit.
i ♥ you ner-tard-o. smile a bit.
or ill kick you.
grandmas use box cutters?
dont make me push you in an oven and bake your ass for breakfast!
*karate chop*