so last night i went 2 a show.. it was a cover band show.. i only watched 2 of the bands cuz i waited for my friend danie 2 get outta work.. so we missed the 1st one (the judis priest cover band) and she doesnt like black sabbath so we didnt stay to watch that one (grrrrrr)... but the pantera and iron maiden bands were amazing! especially the pantera one.. i felt really bad cuz in the pit i was moshin like crazy 2 cowboys from hell.. u know swingin my arms around like in a hardcore bands pit and not on purpose i punched this guy in the face (more like the eye area) and made him bleed really bad..
but that happens in the pit.. cant go in if ur not willing to take a big hit..
so its 745 on saturday night and i've got no plans

so its 745 on saturday night and i've got no plans

now THATS the kind of encouragement i need, not "good luck!"