The phrase of today, is:

sorry it took me forever to write.
school.. groar I love it so much but it consumes all of my time,
so school becomes my life. I know it is a way to escape from the fact I don't know many people in here, my relationship DIED (I am actually ok with that, I feel relief) and that it doesn't matter where I am, I know I won't "fit in" or feel like a belong. I try hard but I just don't find my own voice among pot heads and teenagers, I am sorry if it sounds rude but it is the truth. I have goals- but little money . I fight hard to keep my scholarship and be the best student and I go through it all alone because I want to, and have to.
I really miss my parents sometimes- even though I don't miss the idea of living trapped inside a tiny island , the fact they are not around makes me feel sad- they are some of the few that get me, but at the same time they don't get I want piercings or tattoos. haha old fashioned parents.
but at least the exams are over for now- I just slept the amazingly sweet number of 18 hours. YES.
I can sleep that much.. and MORE. haha I was so tired and I just slept slept slept- with classic music and air condition, what more can a girl ask for?
well maybe a massage.
I SO want to go out and party tonight!
a friend from England came and asked me to go with here to this cool place named "Iguana" rock music and awesome pizza. I am def. going because I haven't had a fun, worry-less time since I got here! with my dad and his new company, money issues, school issues, persona issues..I kind of drown for a while. but I want to be free of all that and just have a good time !
anyone interested?
also I want a guy to ask me out- no I don't want a relationship but a little flirting wouldn't hurt at all. I want to feel pretty and desired, dunno if any of that makes sense!
oh and, I am well known for getting into mild crisis and taking it on my hair

what do you think?

btw go and comment on my sets,NOW!!!! ust click "pics" and see under the hopeful list my sets -
black widow in page 1 and urban angel (in page 8) I would really really appreciate it : )
love you all!
adore la foto de la galleta , tanto que me la fusile
Yep, I don't understand flirting. In general. Either the one flirting really likes the one they're flirting with or the person receiving the flirting likes the flirter and wish it was more than flirting. Guaranteed, someone's going to get hurt. Don't like the game. Games have rules. The "game" doesn't, not really.