Yay it is my bday!
I am SO old LOL, now I am 22.. as long as I keep looking like a 16 year old for the rest of my life
well no, that would be too weird : P
I have a huge party today, many people is crashing in, booze + sushi. what a combo!
reason I can't stay much today, but I promise I'll share pictures of the party later on <333
my bf will be here, his bday is also today.
but bleh, he is giving 20 bucks only, I gave 200 for the party but he invited more of his friends than
I invited mine. even some of his geeky dungeons and dragons friends I don't like!
go figure, it is my bday I can't be upset!
also, I invited the guy I like, haha he is only 18! and he is a player,but it doesn't hurt to look at him : P
for a little while.
give me lots of hugs, kisses and candy!
that's it for now

geeky dungeons and dragons friends? EWWWWWW
happy belated birthday