<3 Hi guys!
I am feeling way better : ) thank you!
this week was very, very interesting. too many stuff going on! I got to the expo tattoo which was, you know, AWESOME and got my sketchbook signed by Miss Kat Von D, I gave her a portrait and she loved it, how amazing is that?
she totally rocks, I had to share! I so want to be a tattoo artist like her, someday.

in other news, I got my tickets to Cirque du Soleil, Delirium I am so excited! it is just coming to Monterrey, not other place in Mexico. hah! ! most of the time I am in the wrong city when the Cirque arrives, but now I am in the only city. isn't that just great? 80 bucks well spent, believe me. I've never seen Delirium, it will be my first time.
I've already seen Nouba, Dralion and Saltimbanco, I LOVED them I also own a huge collection of their DVD's
. yay tickets! *is lucky* *turning music into motion, Delirium 2007* yes . envy me. NOW. : P

we went today to a place called "cavazos" in the highway. awesome to find all kinds of cheap goodies, including movies that aren't in the cinemas yet. aren't we great? lol!
I bought some cool james-deanish glasses and I ate corn, corn bread and drank honey-water. that's right! special dishes of this region, very interesting, it is actually part of a homework and I got to take many pictures, -eat a lot, LOL- I had such a good time with my classmates
viva mexico, cabrones! such a colorful, amazing place full of different sounds, colors, smell.. taste, everything.

nice saturday, but the night is young, still!
it is a good friend's bday today, we are going to his party later on today. oh man, I have homework to do but I have to struggle with my willing to actually LIVE. good grades and calm nights in the company of ice cream and movies is not the best way to go when you are in your early 20's and are dying to eat the world in just one bite. I want to dance! dance dance <3 experiment, enjoy, have fun!.. I want to go out like NOW.
anyone interested?
what a cool weekend, what are you guys up to?
And good luck with your pending sets!