Hi guys!
you are prob. wondering what is going on and why I don't update or visit as much this month...
well, I have around 8 mayor reasons:
Painting workshop #1:
technique. first time I've been around oil paintings in a "more pro way"
task: to deliver a well painted 50x50 canvas
due time: 2 weeks.
Painting workshop #2:
theme. defending what you are painting, having an "artistic speech"
to backup your art.
task: to deliver a well painted, meaningful canvas, free format.
due time: 2 weeks.
Photography wokshop:
photography in general- analogue, developing film, experimenting,
studying and knowing about famous photographers, etc.
not a final project yet
Digital art class:
macromedia flash. learning how to create vector art and animations
I am actually really happy about this class!
task: to make a small animation coordinated with sound
due time: 2 weeks.
Cinematography class:
History of film- movie making.the most important movie directors,
importance of cinema as a form of art, different classes of movies.
task: to narrate with images what cannot be told by words
due time: 2 weeks.
Drawing class
actually we hardly do something in this class. the teacher sucks.
but, he wants us to "make a drawing every day" so, more homework. blah.
due time: 2 weeks.
(a pain in the arse when you have a literature minor)
we have to write a short tale, and "know the grammar rules"
due time: 2 weeks.
regional culture class:
the differences between traditions in mexico.
(more of a "fill-in-the-spot" kind of class, really boring)
task: to write about a place and what makes it unique, cultural wise.
I looove what I do, but it is just too much! they just aren't thinking of the ammmmount of work it is,
when they drop two major painting workshops with a photography workshop and 5 other not so
simple classes.. in the same semester. at least it is a ver short semester, but short means having
to rush to deliver in time, too!
I am also very happy with how my paintings are turning out. I love to paint, yup!
all is still a work in progress, so I have some pictures:

I promise I'll share pictures when the two paintings are done!
oh well, that is mostly my *OMG school is DRAINING MY SOUL* kind of post

what about you guys?
I miss you all so much!