Oh.. my. I hate not being able to update that much, really : (
I miss you guys A LOT! I feel like such an ungreatful lady when you leave all these amazing comments!
but I do love them too much- thank you!
life has been great, despite the fact I go to school from 2 to 9 pm which is CRAZY, and that the weather is freaaaaggggiing cold. but oh bleh- such is life, huh? you need to keep it up and stop bitching about every single little thing because- I am where I want to be, studying arts- learning and enjoying the whole experience! I also love that for the first time I feel in control of my body- not totally there, but getting there. I had 2 "extreme" "weird" piercings done (how my mom calls em, haha!) I love them. the septum piercing, I am still getting used to- it is funny how people look at you out on the street and they think they know you just because you have piercings and/or tatttoos. they asume you are a wild! which is funny because I don't smoke or drink-the common stuff! haha. it is even worse when you are inside an artsy career- they do think I spend my days fornicating and smoking weed or something. oh well, the best is that- as long as I know who I am and enjoy it, I couldn't give a stinky rat's ass what they think. noup.

I now want tattoos.. so bad ! yes Orchid, I am jealous of you right now

gah, am I bold or what? : P in the past, I wouldn't have even TRIED to get any body mod. but guess my parents have to take a hint sooner or later- that I am an ARTIST after all, not a lawyer. (nothing against them though. suits make me horny. I can't believe I just said that.)
and talking about things that get me horny...
I Want to go to the Deftones concert, so badly!!!!!
they are going to Mexico City and my boyfriend and I are planning to go- the trip is by bus which I find amusing- and it includes a cheap hotel night and the ticket of course- for around 160 bucks. it is a good price, and it sounds like an adventure about to begin! I so want to go, really. and if I do, I have to see ma' baby chica Orchid ! and have some fun. yeah! Deftones <3 oh well hope I'll make it there
I haven't been able to finish editing the pictures I want to send, from a friend's set. I know, lame. but school is really squeezing my insides out! I have extra credits, and some classes last as long as 4 hours which is nuts- but anyway, they are painting/photography classes after all, I love em!
altough I absolutely can't share the pictures inluded in the set with you guys just yet- I am sharing one of the pictures we took that same day- artistic oriented. hope you like it, as it is one of my fav "spontaneous" shots evva! yup. evva! that girl is awesome, even though she didn't know what to do at first, things worked out , like, puff. amazing!

I still can't believe I had a needle inserted through my septum and it didn't hurt, not a single BIT!
it is the single most amazing piercing I've ever had because of that. the guy who did it laughed when I told him I actually loved him a little for not hurting me haha! he is kind of cute, but *shrugs* I am a taken

*is a good girl*
that's it for now, guys! I will hopppeeefuuullly- write back, very soon. yus. I want to
*besos mojados*

yeah i know i should update more. but i don't really have much to say. i'm just here for the pretty ladies.
like you!
I hope you are having a lovely weekend!
(I can't stop staring at those creepy sticks, either.