I had a blast this xmas!
it was a shame dad couldn't make it.but we talked on the phone and he knows how bloody much I love and
miss him.everyone was surprised to see me wear a dress for like, the first time in their natural lives!

those who know me also know I am not exactly distinguished, I can't get enough hoodies and dirty jeans,
but it was a nice change. I fell in love with the dress I am wearing in the pictures, I am very excited
about the current "fashion trend" in general, because I've always been a fan of pin ups. but who doesn't love them?
I couldn't see my bf because I came home for the holidays, but he sent me this cute little drawing
I adore it, and I adore him! it really was the best present I got: that's me, a sylph, and him a.. monkey XD

and upon request.. more pictures featuring my little brother, xmas eve
mind, mind ladies.. he is only 17! LOL he is such a heartbreaker, you got that right.
spoiled to save space

The old year, new year cute Rant.
this year brought so many good lessons and so many hard lessons,too, all rolled into one. I had an awful time at Mexico City,
I lost a camera to a nasty thief, I felt alone and cold most of the time I was there, but now I am dying to go back
at least for a couple of days to visit my girl ExplosiveOrchid. I miss you kiddo ! <3
also I kind of "dated" a married man in January this year, which was amazingly stupid and made me feel unwanted,
something you toss on the side. her wife found out and he just ignored me, gah.but never EVER again.
my dad quits his job, too..
but you see, for every bad action/lesson there was an equal good reaction!
I met the love of my life <3 in March this year. we happen to have the same bday (corny huh?)
and we celebrated it this year, in hopes of spending it together again in March 2007. I am getting OLD! haha
yeah my did quits his job, but he starts his very own company! it is giving him a little trouble,
and the rest of us poor money-less creatures, but it is her dream, and my dream is to see him happy.
it ends up being something like this:
********Bad VS. Good**********
1.-Moved out of Mexico City --- Moved to Monterrey! <3
2.- dated a silly married man --- Met the love of my life
3.- traded my Boston dream for an art school here --- have a 3.8 GPA to pursue my dream later!
4.- my dad quits his job --- he starts his very own company!
5.- started from scratch ---- Met amazing people and took a lot of photos!
it was an amazing year over all.
full of ups and downs, like a tricky rollercoaster, but full of love, challenge and self discovery.
I am a better person now because I care about me, I love me for who I am- and it shows in the way I carry myself.
I let many harmful things go, I smile, laugh and are more spontaneous in general and don't hold back as much
now I enjoy the image on the mirror, and outside the mirror.
*********I am year. NEW, year.. 2007!************
so excited about it! I had an awesome 2006 and can't wait to see what 2007 brings. I have my own little place now,
the best roomie of all, an amazing boyfriend I love to spend my time with, new girlfriends who rock my dirty socks off,
dropped 15 pounds and counting, SG sets ahead of me.. in general, it looks like a good year to come.
and if I struggle a little bit in it- I'll be fine, nothing can stop me now *evil grin*
new year's resolutions:
outside form the typical "drop weight, eat healthier, blah blah"
I just want to live fuller. enjoy more, worry less, have my first tattoo done,
love more, live without regrets, keepy my GPA high, and stay open for what life has to bring.
*stops and breathes in*
well guys, that's about it!
cheers, to a wonderful, healthy, colorful 2007 for all of us!
<3 yours truly,
Diana Lorena