hey there <3
ah, so I am finally back home for the holidays.
the plane took forever, darn cheap

airlines but hey, 89 bucks- round trip, Monterrey-cancun is very, VERY cheap, so I don't regret it. what I do regreat is... that my dad won't be home for the holidays. the new business isn't going too well; I still believe in him with all my heart, but we are all pending, praying , hoping for the business to work out because if it doesn't.. well you can imagine. it is sad not having him over for xmas, everyone should be around the loved ones, not in a weird island with only but worries. it isn't the same, being here- at home. I haven't seen them in 5 months now, and I probably won't in another 4 or 5 months.. oh well. it can't all be bad, at least I've seen my mom and my grandma, my brother and a cousin.
we had a nice dinner yesterday, gosh I missed this restaurant called "guidos" awesome food! hopefully I'll enjoy the holidays, rest from all the chaos before starting, well, a new chaos

at school,.. and I also want to recover from a dreadful cold that just got me the day I arrived, have some fever - not the good kind- I've been coughing and sneezing, gah. at least it got me after the finals and not in the middle of them!
and how are you guys?
hopefuly the xmas season is looking better for you

I'll write soon ,letting you know how things are going and of course, when I've had the shootings with ma' girls in Cancun
oh and these are my mom and brother. he is 17 now, boy, time flies! he just got his first eyebrow piercing. aww isn't he adorable? of course, my mom hates me because I am such a bad influence. let her find out after I have my first tattoos done, haha!
hope the rest of your break is good and relaxing before the new chaos begins.
love the new profile pic.
p.s my girlfriend saw the pic of you and your little Bro and yelled "HELLO!!
ha ha ha
yo tambin te extrao muchooooo!! i miss you soooo much sweetie!!!
quiero verteeee!!!
y hacer tonteras juntas!
y que me vayas a visitar!!!
bueno te dejo muchos besotes!!
y todo mi amooooor!
luv ya, miss ya!