Bush - The Democracy of Silence.
I recently attended a Kerry rally to find Republicans in protest at the entrance to the park where the rally was to take place. In Missouri, apparently Kerry supporters at a Bush rally weren't allowed that close. And still again, in Wisconsin and in Ohio, Bush rally attendees were escorted away from the rally for wearing Kerry t-shirts. None of these men acted violently. One was even wearing his shirt UNDER another shirt. What happened to free speech in this country. What sort of injustice is occuring if people are huttled into "free speech zones". Do these people really pose more of a security threat than other, or do we just want them silenced? Afterall... I am sure a terrorist planning to unleash a sarin attack at a Bush rally would give himself away by wearing a John Kerry shirt... so I guess its for the good of all mankind!
I recently attended a Kerry rally to find Republicans in protest at the entrance to the park where the rally was to take place. In Missouri, apparently Kerry supporters at a Bush rally weren't allowed that close. And still again, in Wisconsin and in Ohio, Bush rally attendees were escorted away from the rally for wearing Kerry t-shirts. None of these men acted violently. One was even wearing his shirt UNDER another shirt. What happened to free speech in this country. What sort of injustice is occuring if people are huttled into "free speech zones". Do these people really pose more of a security threat than other, or do we just want them silenced? Afterall... I am sure a terrorist planning to unleash a sarin attack at a Bush rally would give himself away by wearing a John Kerry shirt... so I guess its for the good of all mankind!
And Lindsey Lo is so cute that it drives me crazy! My boyfriend and I both have a thing for her.