the hell i'm goign to has no name. when strangers speaking in tounges approach and decypher what you've kept hidden then surely the lord jesus chirst knows aswell. fuck
You're so right. I just don't know how to let go when I still love him. When I can be the martyr in my mind, longing for escape but sacrificing myself for the 'better' of my family.
How are you making things work? I mean, you seem so strong in your decision to act as you know is best for yourself and in turn your family.
big one's coming no chipolte, lo siento.
900 here, roughly 1400 plus there. havent even got the check and its gone gone gone.
what do we think of another tattoo?
the nose ring has expired
having quite a time finding someone to see devils rejects with me. no one respects the natural emotions anymore. all want the greatest loves story, most harrowing escape, least likely scenario. what shit.
if it was dracula yep i'd say she's been bit
this has tunred into a real issue with the hubbs. he thinks it's too intimate an event to do with anyone but him. i'm ot wait months nad months for a movie i've waited nearly 1 yr for.
My wife borderline doesn't want me to go, even alone. See says "I never get to do anything". She goes to bed at nine, then I leave.. she won't even know I'm gone.