I have a confession.
I sort of blew off the Gala to go to a Barry Manilow concert. I'm sorry, but it was important.
It looks like it was a lot of fun though...and I'm pretty jealous.
There...now I feel better I've got that out.
Alex graduated from university today. Lucky bugger. I still have another long painful year ahead.
Ah well. His dad took us out for dinner last night, and his mom took us out for lunch and groceries this afternoon so it was a pretty sweet deal.
We were hoping he was gonna inherit on of his parents cars because they have an extra, but no such luck. Guess that means I'm buying a car next month.
I'm thinking of getting a new Yaris. Anyone have any words of wisdom for me?
Anyway...I think I'mma take Alex out for some graduate sushi...and then maybe get a little trashed.
up up and awayyyy!~~
Oops i forgot to add this amazing piece of photographic glory...

I sort of blew off the Gala to go to a Barry Manilow concert. I'm sorry, but it was important.
It looks like it was a lot of fun though...and I'm pretty jealous.
There...now I feel better I've got that out.
Alex graduated from university today. Lucky bugger. I still have another long painful year ahead.
Ah well. His dad took us out for dinner last night, and his mom took us out for lunch and groceries this afternoon so it was a pretty sweet deal.
We were hoping he was gonna inherit on of his parents cars because they have an extra, but no such luck. Guess that means I'm buying a car next month.
I'm thinking of getting a new Yaris. Anyone have any words of wisdom for me?
Anyway...I think I'mma take Alex out for some graduate sushi...and then maybe get a little trashed.
up up and awayyyy!~~
Oops i forgot to add this amazing piece of photographic glory...

but Barry Manilow. I forgive you.