My muscles hurtttt!
I actually went to the gym for once! YAY ME.
I also spent way too much money that day, but that's another story, and really nothing special because I do that way too often. But the good thing is I'll have a personal trainer for the next 3 months, the bad? I'll be paying it off until April. Anyway, we'll see how that goes.
I've been really torn about what to do at the end of June. Theres 1. Pride Week 2. MSI/TBM at the Kool Haus and 3. The Tottenham Bluegrass festival i.e. 3 days of drunken mischief with friends I havent hung out with in ages.
So I think I've basically decided to go spend my night by myself in Toronto on the 28th. I'm still considering going to the show but a)$$ b) no one wants to go with me because of $$ c)its really far away from the place I'm staying d)big gay party!
So I'll probably just end up going out bar hopping on church st with a couple of my friends and then spend the night by my lonesome *sigh*
The week after that my roomies and I are going to Toronto AGAIN for 3 nights. Going to see Tv on the Radio on the 2nd, and Green Jelly on the 4th HAHA. I never knew poor starving students could spend so much damn money. I guess that's why we're poor starving students in the first place.
Speaking of starving....I need some breakfast now that I've rambled incessantly for the past lil while.
I actually went to the gym for once! YAY ME.
I also spent way too much money that day, but that's another story, and really nothing special because I do that way too often. But the good thing is I'll have a personal trainer for the next 3 months, the bad? I'll be paying it off until April. Anyway, we'll see how that goes.
I've been really torn about what to do at the end of June. Theres 1. Pride Week 2. MSI/TBM at the Kool Haus and 3. The Tottenham Bluegrass festival i.e. 3 days of drunken mischief with friends I havent hung out with in ages.
So I think I've basically decided to go spend my night by myself in Toronto on the 28th. I'm still considering going to the show but a)$$ b) no one wants to go with me because of $$ c)its really far away from the place I'm staying d)big gay party!
So I'll probably just end up going out bar hopping on church st with a couple of my friends and then spend the night by my lonesome *sigh*
The week after that my roomies and I are going to Toronto AGAIN for 3 nights. Going to see Tv on the Radio on the 2nd, and Green Jelly on the 4th HAHA. I never knew poor starving students could spend so much damn money. I guess that's why we're poor starving students in the first place.
Speaking of starving....I need some breakfast now that I've rambled incessantly for the past lil while.

I'm going to start looking for more gainful employment in the fall.