On April 1st I went to the airport. I had left my apartment in which I had lived for 6 months in Guatemala, I had already left my job, I had left a lot of clothes and things that I could not take with me in a bag outside my house in the street.
At the door of the check in, they ask me for my COVID test (what I had done the day before) and my vaccination certificate (I had been given the second dose 11 days ago) so far it was possible to travel that way to Europe. When it was time to dispatch the bags, the girl who was taking care of me told me that that same day, Spain had issued a new announcement that it would not be possible to travel if you did not have the two vaccines and the last dose given before 14 days. My world and my ideas fell apart. I had nowhere to go, my ovaries hurt and I asked myself: why? ... but once again life showed me that if I did not move and solve it, the process would be longer and more difficult. My flight was rescheduled for April 8 and I sat down to look for airbnb. I found one. I paid for it and headed there. It had been months since I had had so much pain in my ovaries. I got to the apartment. I fell asleep (what a miracle). When I woke up I saw everything with different eyes: I had one more week to get to know Guatemala as a tourist, since the months I was there I lived as one more. I took the opportunity to do what I didn't do before and to do the most important thing: to make a change. Breathe. Enjoy the process. Everything happens for a reason. The following days I rested, went biking, ate pupusas (Salvadoran food) but above all I connected with myself to focus my trip to a new continent in a different way. The day arrived. Again the same day, at the same time, at the airport. Everything in order. First stop : Costa Rica, second stop : Colombia. 3rd stopover: Barcelona.
Arriving in Costa Rica, I got off and went to make the transfer: I got on the plane. It took a long time to start. Half an hour passed. An hour passed. They announced in the cockpit that there had been a plane crash and I had to wait for directions from the airport INSIDE THE PLANE. I look outside. A plane broken on the ground could be seen in the distance. Fire trucks, cars and many patrol cars going there. After a while they announce that we are getting off the plane. We went down to the airport and on TV they were showing that a DHL plane had a malfunction in flight, circled in the air until it ran out of fuel, and made an emergency landing as best it could at the San Jose airport. Upon parking, it broke in two. There were only two passengers who were not seriously injured. The whole airport came to a standstill. Many people with their flights grounded. The airlines did not give answers. They closed the airport and cancelled the flight until further notice. They gave a statement that they would not take care of anything and we had to call a call center to reschedule the flight. Never be quiet and never stop RESPECTFULLY demanding a coherent answer. Because there always is, there should always be a solution. You should never and could never be left adrift in a country that is not yours.
From so much asking, they took the few of us passengers who had not left the airport (from the same flight) to a hotel. Five star hotel. Buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner. Suddenly I was two days in the best hotel in San Jose, having a dream breakfast and resting A LITTLE MORE. There again, the surprises of life. There again the magic of traveling. The universe takes from you but gives to you, or maybe it is preparing you for something huge. There are those who say that Europe did not want to receive me and that was its message. And there are those of us who believe that when I set foot on European soil, my life would begin to soar.
After two days in the hotel, we started our trip: now yes. We flew to Colombia. I made a stopover. Arrived in Barcelona.
Last obstacle and fear : migrations.
Migrations is always scary. Even if you have everything in order, they always look for the hair on the egg. As my whole trip was not justified, I was scared, but inside I was singing to Krishna (Yes, I strongly believe that if you have faith in some sacred chant and in some energy, in those moments, you know how to send it there, it is called FAITH).
I saw in the line that the people in front of me were asked for absolutely all the papers: hotels where they would stay, vaccinations, travel insurance, departure flight, in short itinerary). It was my turn. I was attended by a man talking on a cell phone, with tattooed arms, who wanted me to touch me because he had a feeling. He didn't even look at me. He took my passport. He stamped it. I'm done. WELCOME TO BARCELONA.