yar. me needs more sleep. i've been sleeping horribly all week, haven't gotten to sleep before 4am all week... oh well the weekend is here tomorrow, can sleep then.
maybe you should smoke weed, helps with insomnia wink
So, i got asked to me my best friends groomsman at his wedding next year, and the bridesmaid i'm gonna be walking down the aisle with is my ex girlfriend. interesting, that.
wow that sounds like it's out of a soap opera or something. but even so i'm sure it's an honor to be apart of your best friends wedding. that sounds cool!
argh what a horrible morning. i woke up a little late, thinking, "yeah, i'm gonna be about 15 minutes late to work, no big deal." then i find out that some truck is stuck and has blocked both lanes of 17S and i'm stuck, parked on the freeway for 35 minutes, not to mention the slow drive times all around. ARGH. so, instead, i'm an...
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thanks for the tip on the club i'll check it out..
My friend and i were up til 3am last night beating Metroid: Zero Mission. it was EXCELLENT. proof that 2D side scrollers can still be great games. so great, i just got back from shopping, and buying it. also got the new Final Fantasy game, crystal chronicles and some makeup. woohoo.

my 5 day weekend started well, i slept in til 1.30pm. it's been weeks...
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yeah, I saw them last november and also october 2002 when they played at the pound. smile
Umm... yeah. Been a fan of SG for a few years now, but never actually got an account. Saw it through friends, saw some of them at E3, perused all the pics at Seanbaby... figured it was time i get an account, they deserve it. smile

Anyhoo... i'm up to something far above my head in work for the last few weeks, and looking very forward...
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barbeque chicken for me. and it's Thomas Kemper cream soda.
it does look odd, but it's the way things are done around here. it took awhile for me to get used to because I'm a livejournal girl.