so now....... for those of you who don't already know....there is a lil amethyst on the way! thats right I went and got myself pregnant! I'm super excited but the bad news more sg. I'm gonna be a mommy now and I don't think I'll have time to do it, that and I'm not sure how oh so hot I'll be looking after this. So at the end of this month I'm afraid I will have to say goodbye to you all
I know it sux but it's all for the best. I get my own appartment this friday so I'll probably have the puter and net set up right away then I can be on here all the time and not ignoring people. lol miss you all terribly! oh hey, does anyone know what the sg x-mas gift is? the thing we had to update our addresses for? I havn't gotten anything so if anyone knows what I'm talking about let me know!
talk to you all soon!

talk to you all soon!

Happy birthday...
I know, years later, how are things going?