Nice work on the sex stories everyone! Now for our next "get to know Amethyst's new friends" question! What is the worst scar you have and how did you get it?
Anyways, puters still on the frits which sux but Trace (my neihbor/best bud) always lets me use his so i can come on here every once in a while until my puters fixed.
So uh......I got fired today
lol yeah it sucked. I'm not going inot the gory details just cuz i'm still a lil upset about it, but you should all know that it was in no way my fault so it sux even more. but A know a bunch of places hireing so it shouldn't be a problem finding a job again. I kinda liked working at a shoe store though -sigh- oh well
And on the half set delema? I think I may have figured out a way to make it work. But I don't think they're are enough nudity picks, I've heard of girls haveing their sets turned down due to lack of nudity. I'm topless in a whole lot of them but the panties didn't come off until the last 4 or 5, do you think that would be enough? theres no way I'm going back down to that basement so it's gonna hve to be!
Anyways, I'm off now becasue here in Canada its fucking freezing! and I need a blanky, who's up for a snuggle fest?!
Anyways, puters still on the frits which sux but Trace (my neihbor/best bud) always lets me use his so i can come on here every once in a while until my puters fixed.
So uh......I got fired today

And on the half set delema? I think I may have figured out a way to make it work. But I don't think they're are enough nudity picks, I've heard of girls haveing their sets turned down due to lack of nudity. I'm topless in a whole lot of them but the panties didn't come off until the last 4 or 5, do you think that would be enough? theres no way I'm going back down to that basement so it's gonna hve to be!
Anyways, I'm off now becasue here in Canada its fucking freezing! and I need a blanky, who's up for a snuggle fest?!
oh yeah...please tell me youre from windsor...
"who's up for a snuggle fest?!" OH OH, ME ME ME!!!
Sorry you lost your job hun *hugs*