...alright please prepare yourselves for a rant...
I currently hate everything with a Y chromosone! They are stupid and I despise them! I've been helping my sister move all day except that I didn't do fuck all! We had about 5 guys helping us (my sisters friends/mom's coworkers ect.) and they wouldn't let me do fuck all because I'm a girl! I was so pissed off!
They just kept saying "oh let the boys get this it's kind of heavy" grrrr!!!
I work too damn hard to put up with that bullshit, I have ten times the muscle mass as any of those pansies and yet they deliberatly hid the heavy stuff until the guys got there
it pisses me off that guys do that, it's 2004 I think it might be time to put away your sexist bull shit for a change. I'm more than happy to get out of doing work but not if it's for that reason. Not only were they sexist, but they were all creepy too! I was standing there waiting for my mom to come back upstairs and they were all standing there with me and they just stared at me, all of them! they didn't even try not to be so obvious they just stood there staring at me, it was creepy. I've never felt like such a useless peice of meat in my life
-whew-...alright..I think I'm done now.
So today sucked, but on better news I should be getting full time hours within the next few weeks
that'll be nice, then I can start paying rent! lol I say that like it's a good thing. I don't mind though, I don't pay any bills myself so what would I do with the money anyway.
Anyways, I'm currently babysitting so I can't stay on here. But a certain someone had better be on yahoo tonight so he can tell me all about his trip!
P.S. What is your most embarassing moment?

I currently hate everything with a Y chromosone! They are stupid and I despise them! I've been helping my sister move all day except that I didn't do fuck all! We had about 5 guys helping us (my sisters friends/mom's coworkers ect.) and they wouldn't let me do fuck all because I'm a girl! I was so pissed off!

I work too damn hard to put up with that bullshit, I have ten times the muscle mass as any of those pansies and yet they deliberatly hid the heavy stuff until the guys got there

-whew-...alright..I think I'm done now.
So today sucked, but on better news I should be getting full time hours within the next few weeks

Anyways, I'm currently babysitting so I can't stay on here. But a certain someone had better be on yahoo tonight so he can tell me all about his trip!

P.S. What is your most embarassing moment?
errrr ummm???? where the hell you been girl?????
Sorry, I've busy this weekend. But I'll be home later this evening, so hopefully we'll get a chance to chat.