well howdy everyone! I just got back from a farm which was really just a bared waste land with a few free standing buildings. We stayed in a town with a population of 120! it was insane, everyone knows everyone and I got hit on more times then I have ever in my life-by farm boys no less!
We were staying with my friend Trace's grandmother whom I did NOT get along with (she had some interesting views on unwed mothers and and the fact that I had tattoos
) Anyways, it was this small little country house, where every meal was homemade, all the veggies were from the garden, the bread was homemade from the wheat grown in the field and the meat...well you know that wasn't store bought.
All the furniture was plastic wrapped and there were nick nacks as far as the eye could see. It was such a weird place. Having no T.V. or any source of entertainment, Trace an i got bored very quickly so we decided to go for a walk except that the entire town was only about three blocks in each direction. -sigh- being at a farm made me truly appreciate cell phones, the sirens we hear at night, concrete, the humming of electricity, tall buildings, homeless people, uniforms, garbage...all these things I love to death because they make a city a city.
Trace's father took me and Trace around the farm to show me everything, now Trace's dad just had an eye removed and is almost fully blind in the other and he was driving through a field at like 180 while explaining to me what kind of animal it was that we just trampled. Then he took me to see what a cow looks like, I've never actually seen a cow, I mean I've seen them on T.V. and all but never in real life...it was the most terrifying experience of my life. We were in the car and I was in the front seat and the massive drooling beast walks up to the window and makes weird noises. Now I'm sure you an imagine having never seen a cow before, I was freaked out, not just freaked out, I was screaming like a scolded cat and had climbed into the back seat and straddled Trace for dear life..who promptly laughed his ass off.
Anyways, I got called into work last minute so I have to get going.
P.S. thanx for all the uniform pics! send me more!! I could look at uniforms all day!
We were staying with my friend Trace's grandmother whom I did NOT get along with (she had some interesting views on unwed mothers and and the fact that I had tattoos

All the furniture was plastic wrapped and there were nick nacks as far as the eye could see. It was such a weird place. Having no T.V. or any source of entertainment, Trace an i got bored very quickly so we decided to go for a walk except that the entire town was only about three blocks in each direction. -sigh- being at a farm made me truly appreciate cell phones, the sirens we hear at night, concrete, the humming of electricity, tall buildings, homeless people, uniforms, garbage...all these things I love to death because they make a city a city.
Trace's father took me and Trace around the farm to show me everything, now Trace's dad just had an eye removed and is almost fully blind in the other and he was driving through a field at like 180 while explaining to me what kind of animal it was that we just trampled. Then he took me to see what a cow looks like, I've never actually seen a cow, I mean I've seen them on T.V. and all but never in real life...it was the most terrifying experience of my life. We were in the car and I was in the front seat and the massive drooling beast walks up to the window and makes weird noises. Now I'm sure you an imagine having never seen a cow before, I was freaked out, not just freaked out, I was screaming like a scolded cat and had climbed into the back seat and straddled Trace for dear life..who promptly laughed his ass off.
Anyways, I got called into work last minute so I have to get going.
P.S. thanx for all the uniform pics! send me more!! I could look at uniforms all day!

happy happy birthday!!!

Soooo many happy birthday's. And where are you dawling??