I was going to go job hunting today but it's storming like crazy outside so I'm going to sit in my jammies all day and simply enjoy the pitter patter noises on the roof. -sigh- I love the rain, it takes me back to my b.C. days of sleeping on a bench during a monsoon! he he.
I think I'm going to go and apply at some restaurants, but I'm a lil intimidated. I've heard some nasty stories about guys being rude the girls who work there, and I don't really do all that well with it. I either get into a feminist rant or I simply slap them....I don't think anyone has ever held a job that way
So yesterday completely sucked! but I don't consider the week to have started until monday so I don't think it'll be a terrible week sort of thing, therefore I'm casting it off as an isolated incident. It's too the wind now..
My sisters and I are going to get another tattoo. They both have one and I have my ten, so we decided that since we're all feminists we would get a womyn sign behind our ear. That way it's simple and descrete, and it's going to be crazy small so it won't hurt too bad. I was actually considering getting one of my fruits there, but they're all to big to have that close to my face.
So I was talking to my manager the other day and she was telling me that thay have no problem with tattoos, peircings or bright colored hair....next thing I knew, I had that twinkle in my eye
I miss haveing my bright colored hair. All the reds and blues and the streaks and highlights...-dreamy sigh- oh the memories. I don't think I can pull off that look anymore though
it's been too long, I've been all cutsie and pretty for a long time, it's become comfortable.
I wish I was more like Kasara or Ovida, take one look at them and you think of leather and peircings, they're hot! Me on the other hand, you think of lace and teddybears, I'm sweet. lol I just can't pull off the hot look -sigh-
I'm kind of babbling now, so I'm gonna go and enjoy the rain some more.
I think I'm going to go and apply at some restaurants, but I'm a lil intimidated. I've heard some nasty stories about guys being rude the girls who work there, and I don't really do all that well with it. I either get into a feminist rant or I simply slap them....I don't think anyone has ever held a job that way

So yesterday completely sucked! but I don't consider the week to have started until monday so I don't think it'll be a terrible week sort of thing, therefore I'm casting it off as an isolated incident. It's too the wind now..
My sisters and I are going to get another tattoo. They both have one and I have my ten, so we decided that since we're all feminists we would get a womyn sign behind our ear. That way it's simple and descrete, and it's going to be crazy small so it won't hurt too bad. I was actually considering getting one of my fruits there, but they're all to big to have that close to my face.
So I was talking to my manager the other day and she was telling me that thay have no problem with tattoos, peircings or bright colored hair....next thing I knew, I had that twinkle in my eye

I miss haveing my bright colored hair. All the reds and blues and the streaks and highlights...-dreamy sigh- oh the memories. I don't think I can pull off that look anymore though

I wish I was more like Kasara or Ovida, take one look at them and you think of leather and peircings, they're hot! Me on the other hand, you think of lace and teddybears, I'm sweet. lol I just can't pull off the hot look -sigh-

I'm kind of babbling now, so I'm gonna go and enjoy the rain some more.
Okay on another note...
ding ding ding!!!! We have a winner folks. You are officially the first SG who has ever requested my friendship first.
Woot, Woot!
<opens chest, reserves special place, closes chest>
You miss BC? Your family move to the middle of nowhere?
As for SG status... well you may be in Limbo but you are Pink