well.....you're going to be very dissappointed in me.....I can't go to edmonton
I had $ all set aside for it but then some extra expenses came my way and there wasn't much I could do about it. Not only that but my boss says I can pick up and extra couple of shifts for that weekend which I could really use
You guys I feel like crap, I was all excited to go and meet everyone and now I can't
But that doesn't mean that the rest of you cannot!
I think you should go and have fun and where I would have been sitting put a small rubber ducky in my memory (I want a picture to prove it). I hope you all have an awesome and wonderful time, and if theres anything I can do to help please let me know.....I'm so bummed out right now, I hope I get laid just so I feel a lil more up beat
Anyways-you all suck at the word of the day!! I got like 3 people who said something in 5 pages...I'm going to let you try it again then I'll just have to start killing people! K the word of today is "bangs" use it well.
April, May, June, July, August...one day my set will go up...one day.

I had $ all set aside for it but then some extra expenses came my way and there wasn't much I could do about it. Not only that but my boss says I can pick up and extra couple of shifts for that weekend which I could really use

You guys I feel like crap, I was all excited to go and meet everyone and now I can't

But that doesn't mean that the rest of you cannot!

Anyways-you all suck at the word of the day!! I got like 3 people who said something in 5 pages...I'm going to let you try it again then I'll just have to start killing people! K the word of today is "bangs" use it well.
April, May, June, July, August...one day my set will go up...one day.
Ok, good night dear. Talk to ya soon.

Can't wait to see your set go up, your tattoos remind me of pac-man haha.