So I went to my grad last friday/saturday (sorry I couldn't make it to SG Regina night
) It was a blast! well the actualy banquet was dull as hell but after grad was pretty cool, I have pictures but I have to resize them to put them up and I'm in the middle of moving so it'll take me a few days. Hurray for moving
I have a very happy appartment which will be very happily painted as soon as I move in! But until then it's nothing but packing for me, and the other day, on the actual designated packing day I had a rank 24 hour flu, I was sooo sick
REALLY sick! but I'm all better now so I've got some catching up to do. And I think we're going to unhook to puter pretty quik so I won't be here for about a week -sniff sniff- I'll miss you all!
P.S. Nathco's and cheese are very good

P.S. Nathco's and cheese are very good

pictures are always good
oooo painting
*holds your leg and doesn't let go* no stay...we ll all miss you too much