So my grad is next week and me and my sister decided to go to the mall and get some funky plastics jewelry to wear (I'll defanitally post some pics of that) so we did they rock and we headed back to her house. At this point I should tell you we had her 8 month old daughter with us asleep in the stroller. We were walking along when we realized there were a bunch of old farts with signs up ahead right outside her appartment. As we approuched one of them felt the need to tell us we were wonderful people for allowing emily to live instead of killing her while still in the womb, at this point it was obvious they were a bunch of pro-lifers with nothing to do with there time. My sister and I, being femanists to the ninth, began a soft chant "My body, My choice" at which point they began to scream at us calling us sluts and murderers, and keeping in mind my neice was TRYING to sleep! So we went up to the appartment in a major femi rage
! Got on the phone, phoned all the femanist we new made some signs, called a news crew and began a pretty sweet protest ourselves! it rocked!!
And my sisters super femanist roomate made this sweet poster of a hanger with a cross through it (like the no smoking signs) and it says at the bottom "NEVER AGAIN" it was pretty powerfull if you understand what it's about and all that. But anywho we had a blast showing up those assholes,and I wish you all could of joined me the bask on the glory of standing up for womens rights

And my sisters super femanist roomate made this sweet poster of a hanger with a cross through it (like the no smoking signs) and it says at the bottom "NEVER AGAIN" it was pretty powerfull if you understand what it's about and all that. But anywho we had a blast showing up those assholes,and I wish you all could of joined me the bask on the glory of standing up for womens rights

Um...I'm pretty sure the 26th...I dunno, still just a messenger I am
*gets out Credit Card*
[Edited on Jun 23, 2004 3:23PM]