wow, I just watched the movie "GIA" it's so crazy! It's about this model who gets hooked on drugs and it's just the story of her life and stuff but it's crazy intense, and the model is played my Angelina Jolie (gawd damn
) so I demand everyone watches it in the near future.
Well holidays are over and now it's back to class for me -sigh- oh well, summer is almost here! I'm looking forward to doing a bit of traveling, not sure where yet, but I stayed home last summer so this time I go see stuff for a while. Well I'm off now! C-ya!
P.S. Hey Kasara, how did the nipple peircing work out?

Well holidays are over and now it's back to class for me -sigh- oh well, summer is almost here! I'm looking forward to doing a bit of traveling, not sure where yet, but I stayed home last summer so this time I go see stuff for a while. Well I'm off now! C-ya!
P.S. Hey Kasara, how did the nipple peircing work out?
And about the piercings, didn't get them done quite yet... I had to go out and buy new jewellery first!!