Work is starting to become unpleasant. I do not think I would like to do this for very much longer. It is not the work that I have a problem with but rather the people. In most cases there is usually a few less than ideal details that come with just about any field of work. However up until now those instances have only been on one side of the job. Now it seems to be on both. I do not let my frustration show but nonetheless it is there. It is probably a bad thing when I think about those people that go postal at their places of business and begin to understand the motivation and rationality, if it can be called that. Not that I condone such acts but it makes sense in a very sadistic way.
I do not believe the movie 10 Items or Less will ever show at any of my local theaters. I would have liked to have seen it.
I do not believe the movie 10 Items or Less will ever show at any of my local theaters. I would have liked to have seen it.