it's the road i'm on
it takes me the long way
around everything and everyone
i keep going, getting farther out
sometimes i can't find things
can't find words
can't find a way
there's often a feeling of great loss
it's just the road i'm on
sometimes i get locked out of myself
it keeps me away from you
even when i don't want to be
it hurts
if i knew what to say to you
i'd scream it until you noticed
but when i look at you
no words come out
it's just the road i'm on
i never asked you to come along
i will never ask you
i like where i am
i wish i could like where you are......
they are a disease
something i never wanted
to stay strong i must stay away from them
i fuck myself up when i am around them
everyday i go without being touched
i get stronger
i see clearer
i can feel the precision
to want makes me feel alive
to feel so alone that i might disappear
makes me want to live
better than company
i want to build walls where there are none
so i can have something to break through
the night passes slow
the silence slices into me
nothing new really, had today off of work but i had to go to physical therapy for my knee... would have preffered work. none the less i sat around and accomplished basically nothing, continued framework design for a website i'm building for some freinds of mine and their band and wrote down a couple of new ideas to push the limits of my abilities with flash and shockwave. It's good to set goals that are just beyond your grasp, so as to always have something to strive for.
it takes me the long way
around everything and everyone
i keep going, getting farther out
sometimes i can't find things
can't find words
can't find a way
there's often a feeling of great loss
it's just the road i'm on
sometimes i get locked out of myself
it keeps me away from you
even when i don't want to be
it hurts
if i knew what to say to you
i'd scream it until you noticed
but when i look at you
no words come out
it's just the road i'm on
i never asked you to come along
i will never ask you
i like where i am
i wish i could like where you are......
they are a disease
something i never wanted
to stay strong i must stay away from them
i fuck myself up when i am around them
everyday i go without being touched
i get stronger
i see clearer
i can feel the precision
to want makes me feel alive
to feel so alone that i might disappear
makes me want to live
better than company
i want to build walls where there are none
so i can have something to break through
the night passes slow
the silence slices into me
nothing new really, had today off of work but i had to go to physical therapy for my knee... would have preffered work. none the less i sat around and accomplished basically nothing, continued framework design for a website i'm building for some freinds of mine and their band and wrote down a couple of new ideas to push the limits of my abilities with flash and shockwave. It's good to set goals that are just beyond your grasp, so as to always have something to strive for.