Ooohhh...My stomack is rebelling...I want to go home...
Man it's raining like hell! I think Los Angeles is going to float away!
Who do I talk to about false advertising regarding the pristine wheather promised in Southern California!?!
Who do I talk to about false advertising regarding the pristine wheather promised in Southern California!?!
The singer in the band we share lock-out with is in another band, similar to his main band-which is like Gwar, they are playing Friday night at theTroubodour for $10. The music is...not really the point, but the performance will be entertaining.
Cake Cutter
Friday 1/7 10pm
Check it out
Cake Cutter
Friday 1/7 10pm
Check it out
I need to relax. Pot is the only way I know how to unwind. I was so exhusted I could hardly keep my eyes open after 4pm yesterday. I crashed before 9am, skipped yoga and did no writing/recording. I am trying to be productive outside this stupid job but it drains everything!!!
I wish I had a crazed new years story about an all out orgy or falling down drunk in the street, but it was very low key. I should be careful about what I wish for, last time I said my life was boring, I ended up with an illegitimate child, Whoa! Anyway, I guess this is adulthood...
The office is shut tomorrow and I an free to go in an hour. I feel like I've been granted a reprieve from the governor. God, I need a new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I showed up today and no one is here, no one has called and the phone has not been ringing...This is kind of like the intro to a Twilight Zone episode. Hopefully I will come out unscathed on the other end, wish me luck...
I have retuned to dive headlong into a ton of work, it almost makes it seem like leaving is not worth while, almost...Anyway X-mas alright. I got to spend a lot of time with my daughter which was grand, but the trip was too short. It was all fullfill obligations and no fun. Ann Arbor Wasy VERY COLD and had about 8" of snow. And...
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I am leaving in 30 minutes to head for the airport-though due to a sizable winter storm in the midwest, my flight my be significantly delayed or even canceled, we'll see. I'm the only member of the organization in the office and I have worked my ass off for the last several hours and I will probably still get shit, but hey, who cares!?!
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Well...Lets see, oh blah blah blah blah...Both my employers left town and the disorganized one saddled me with everthing he didn't finish, despite the fact that I'm heading to Detroit (Ann Arbor) tomorrow. Can I please be my own boss!!!