The span of time keeps lenghtening between entries, but I feel like I should have something of note to say if I am actually going to be compelled to put something down so here goes. I went on a river rafting trip on Sunday on the Kern River, which is north east of Bakersfield. It was actually pretty cool. We had to show up at 7:30am and it's a 2 1/2 hour drive minimum from LA, so that was a little oppressive but overall a lot of fun. On the first big rapid, 4 people fell out of one boat and we had to pull two of them into our boat. On the most difficult rapid of the day one of the boats in our group tipped over, one guy dislocated his finger and another guy hit his knee on a rock and it swelled up like a soft ball. Injuries are cool (as long as they are not happening to me) My friend set it up and my wife and I went with him. we had a guide and this other couple in the boat with us and the couple was really wierd. The chick was really bitchy and had the strange bandages around her eyes and the guy was the kind of guy that has to comment on everything (he kept kind of arguing with the guide) and says the same unfunny joke over and over again. My friend hated him and the whole drive back we talked smack about how irritating the guy was. I told my friend that I got the guys number and I have been calling my friend all week, telling him that Greg (the wierdo guy) wants to hand out. It was $180 a person, which is pretty expensive, but I recommend it!
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