I didn't do much this week and and nothing much is happening at work, I'm just kind of biding my time, wishing the clock moved a little faster...Oh well...
More Blogs
Friday Feb 04, 2005
American Zero Sarurday February 12 10pm The Joint 8771 Pico … -
Thursday Feb 03, 2005
Today is a classic example of why SoCal residents suffer through rele… -
Thursday Jan 27, 2005
I was talking to my daughter last week and she told me not to call he… -
Wednesday Jan 26, 2005
So, after about 9 months off, due largely to personel problems, Ameri… -
Monday Jan 24, 2005
I didn't do much this week and and nothing much is happening at work,… -
Thursday Jan 20, 2005
So my band needs a bass player and we have be auditioning people. A … -
Wednesday Jan 19, 2005
I was compelled to attend a farewell dinner for the departing office … -
Monday Jan 17, 2005
My presence at work today betrays an underlying racism inherent to th… -
Thursday Jan 13, 2005
Ok! Who wants a mustache ride!!! -
Wednesday Jan 12, 2005
I had wicked food poisening and spent the last two days wretching ove…