My mom called me two weeks ago and told that her yearly gyno check-up revealed a malignant tumor in one of her breasts. Yesterday, she had lump-ectomy, an additional biopsy and some shot dye into her lymphatic system to see if the cancer has spread. She can through relatively unscathed, the pathology report is due by Friday. If the report indicates that the cancer is moving, it is probably the beginning of the end.
I am my mothers only child and and I have allowed my selfish and pathetic life to keep me several thousand miles away. My wife, whose mother died when My wife was 15 after battling cancer for nearly 20 years, can't stop breaking down in tears. I am not the kind of person that believes we are put here for some purpose, I think the purpose of life is to live. You really can't get anymore basic than that, but even that so often seem incredibly difficult.
I am my mothers only child and and I have allowed my selfish and pathetic life to keep me several thousand miles away. My wife, whose mother died when My wife was 15 after battling cancer for nearly 20 years, can't stop breaking down in tears. I am not the kind of person that believes we are put here for some purpose, I think the purpose of life is to live. You really can't get anymore basic than that, but even that so often seem incredibly difficult.