I've had the hots for this girl for some time now. I finaly get to go out with her (I'm about to leave in a little while) and wait for the day to arrive.
I anticipate this. She is so fucking hot. She's so damn cool too.
She says she's going to run a little late, because she's "Not ready for me to see her yet."
Does that mean she wants to look good for just me?
This was never established as a date. This was more of a, "I haven't seen Sin City yet" and chance for me.
She calles me shorty before we are to meet up and says, "By the way, would you mind if I brought a friend with?"
"...sure" I say.
"Is that okay? I mean, are you okay with that?"
Of course, I have to be okay with that.
"No, really, it's cool. The more people who see it, the better."
"All right then...I'll see you there breifly."
She checked to see if it was okay. Good thing? Bad thing?
We'll see.
I anticipate this. She is so fucking hot. She's so damn cool too.
She says she's going to run a little late, because she's "Not ready for me to see her yet."
Does that mean she wants to look good for just me?
This was never established as a date. This was more of a, "I haven't seen Sin City yet" and chance for me.
She calles me shorty before we are to meet up and says, "By the way, would you mind if I brought a friend with?"
"...sure" I say.
"Is that okay? I mean, are you okay with that?"
Of course, I have to be okay with that.
"No, really, it's cool. The more people who see it, the better."
"All right then...I'll see you there breifly."
She checked to see if it was okay. Good thing? Bad thing?
We'll see.