Tired, went to bed late and woke up way too early, no Tomato juice for Bloody Marys, and no ambition to drive to the store.
This is always a weird day for me anyway, my Dad went to school with 3 guys that were on the Arizona, 2 were killed one was a survivor, dad was on a destroyer, ma's first husband was on the Bataan death march, and her third husband was on guadalcanal, so in a lot of ways this day is more special to me than Veterans day or Memorial day.

This is always a weird day for me anyway, my Dad went to school with 3 guys that were on the Arizona, 2 were killed one was a survivor, dad was on a destroyer, ma's first husband was on the Bataan death march, and her third husband was on guadalcanal, so in a lot of ways this day is more special to me than Veterans day or Memorial day.