Complete giant fucking fat shagging hairy cunting arse fucking bollocksy wanking bastard shitty cunty bollocks.
-borrowed from Dylan
Im stunned that this is happening....
So on wedneday, I decide to go out after work and hang out with a few of the soldiers.I rarely do this during the week and boy did it have consequences. At around 1030pm we recieved a call saying that an alert had gone out and that we were to be back in uniform for a 130 am formation. well, at the formation We learn that we are being put on lockdown because apperntly a $3600 item had gone missing. No one can leave the area. no going home to family, no taking care of errands. nothing My leadeship puts us on lockdown indefinetly. they tear our rooms up for those of us in the barracks looking for it. they look through presonal vehicles of those that own them. we suffer thru formation on the hour every hour until midnight on thursday. then we are allowed to have two hour formations. they set uip an amnesty box so that, even though they tore the rooms up looking for it, anybody that might have it can give it back "no questions asked". this sucks. we were supposed to have a four day weekend to unwind from being in the field for so long. down the drain with that. they say we will be on lockdown until it is found. i dont think anyone has it. i think they just did a bad inventory for awhile and just realized they dont have it in the arms rooms anymore. ugh.....
so how has your day been?
the situation has come to an end. amusingly, not long after i posted originally. anways, check out this trailer for serenity ithink this will be pretty good, dont you?
-borrowed from Dylan
Im stunned that this is happening....
So on wedneday, I decide to go out after work and hang out with a few of the soldiers.I rarely do this during the week and boy did it have consequences. At around 1030pm we recieved a call saying that an alert had gone out and that we were to be back in uniform for a 130 am formation. well, at the formation We learn that we are being put on lockdown because apperntly a $3600 item had gone missing. No one can leave the area. no going home to family, no taking care of errands. nothing My leadeship puts us on lockdown indefinetly. they tear our rooms up for those of us in the barracks looking for it. they look through presonal vehicles of those that own them. we suffer thru formation on the hour every hour until midnight on thursday. then we are allowed to have two hour formations. they set uip an amnesty box so that, even though they tore the rooms up looking for it, anybody that might have it can give it back "no questions asked". this sucks. we were supposed to have a four day weekend to unwind from being in the field for so long. down the drain with that. they say we will be on lockdown until it is found. i dont think anyone has it. i think they just did a bad inventory for awhile and just realized they dont have it in the arms rooms anymore. ugh.....
so how has your day been?

the situation has come to an end. amusingly, not long after i posted originally. anways, check out this trailer for serenity ithink this will be pretty good, dont you?
I was really asking!
a while ago.
There are no bad memories
I'm just lazy that's all.
And as for Star Wars 3D...I don't really care
sounds like it should be a ride at Disney World or something.
I just want the TV shows.
Gotta take off soon for the day
and it's raining now.