So nothing eventful and positive has happened to me in the last week or so because DRUGS!! were found in my unit and my chain of command has decided that all those soldiers living in the barracks are second class citizens now. On monday i was awoke at 245AM! for a fuckin piss test. no big deal but then I didnt get off work till 900pm that night. then at 130am I was awoke to pull guard until 230am. I went back to sleep and went to work at 1030. Work ended at 800 and I went back to my room. Wednesday I awoke at 400am to be at work by five, Then we were told we were woking all day and all day thursday. so that was another 14 hour day. thursday i was up at 230am to be at work an hour later. released from work at 630. thats 16 hours. friday was a 14 hr day also. So that makes a grand total of...71 hours of work alone. this isnt including the time i have to waste every evening in preparation of slaving for the army the next day. and lets not talk about how much sleep i got the whole week because I dont think i ever reached twenty hours of sleep....
oh yes, joining the army was just the choice for me. I knew being treated as an adult was too godd for me. better to be treated as a commodity...

gl in the field dude! Hoenfells or Grafenwoer?