Thank you amerika. You re-elected the antichrist. Weve become a sad thing. remember when we thought of ourselves as brave individuals? What happened? One attack by Mr. oil and you give up. And yes it was the oil family that had something to do with that. all the clues point in that direction. J.F.K. said we only have to fear fear itself and you said that sounds fine. Now, Im sure all of you ladies are fine upstanding woman, So are you willing to join the resistance when the time comes? I have two years left in the military, less if I really start to see the shit go down and then I will actively persue removing him from office. becuase folks, you think he may be gone by 08. but he's here to stay. Weep for the loss of your freedom. And remember what America used to stand for because AmeriKa is alot less free.
I changed my name and its permanent this time. Ive used it as my email for five years and im closer to it being true than ever before.
And also, If you voted for him, im gonna be a dick and ask that we part ways. cause we wouldnt be friends in real life

I changed my name and its permanent this time. Ive used it as my email for five years and im closer to it being true than ever before.

And also, If you voted for him, im gonna be a dick and ask that we part ways. cause we wouldnt be friends in real life

Thanks for the bday wishes...9 years closer to 40....BLEK....that is if I get there before Bush gets the US blown to bits......